Jesus, God’s promise fulfilled

“‘For he made this promise to our ancestors, to Abraham and his children forever'” (Luke 1:55, NLT).

The MagnificatThe Bible is full of promises, including God’s protection, supplying our needs and his love, mercy and grace. Songs, books and blogs talk of his promises and how we won’t be disappointed because God always keeps his word. But none of them would mean anything and none would come true if it weren’t for God keeping the biggest promise he ever made: to send his Son as a human being.

The promise of a Savior is woven through every book of the Old Testament. Every Hebrew child grew up knowing about him and all of Israel waited, hoped and yearned for his appearing. When Jesus was born, all the promises of God were fulfilled. In Jesus, every hope and dream of humanity was realized. Mary, Zechariah, Simeon and Anna all understood this and praised God for his promise made and his promise kept—Emmanuel, God with us.

Author: ttkach

Writer, cyclist, paper-crafter, mom, gardener.

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