Jesus the Munificent

We all love generous people. Those who go above and beyond with gifts, money and even time make us feel loved, appreciated and uplifted. An unexpected gesture of generosity can make us feel valued as a person. And this is another thing I love about Jesus. He was (and continues to be) not merely the most generous person who ever lived, but munificent in his giving, which “suggests a scale of giving appropriate to lords or princes” (Merriam-Webster online dictionary).

Not only did he empty himself, not considering equality with God something to grasp or take advantage of, he made himself “nothing” to become a servant to us (Philippians 2). With “warmhearted readiness” (Merriam-Webster), he gave everything he was and had so we can have abundant life now, and live with him forever. I can’t think of a more generous act or a more loving gift. Jesus told us there is no greater gift than to lay down one’s life for his friends (John 15:13) – he calls us friends and he laid down his life for us.

In this incredible, loving act of munificence, he makes us feel loved, appreciated and valued. He elevates our humanity by first assuming our sinful humanity to save us from ourselves and then sharing his humanity with us. I love his warmhearted readiness, his lavish, unremitting giving, his liberal and unstinting generosity, giving not merely as humans give, but on a scale above and beyond that of lords, princes, kings and emperors. What a munificent Savior!

Our God of Abundance

On my walk in the woods behind my house, I had to stop several times to admire the wildflowers on the path. I took a few photos too. I saw several varieties, some so small I had to bend down to even see them. I remembered what Dallas Willard said about flowers being tiny reminders of grace. His grace was scattered all over the woods!

The trees, ferns and flowers were also in abundance. I couldn’t help but thank and praise God for his generosity. After all, he didn’t have to create flowers, although they are part of the ecosystem. The beauty, colors and variety just seem like a big bonus.

Isn’t that like him? He’s a God of abundance and generosity. Let’s keep this in mind as we struggle with shortages, financial setbacks and inconveniences, whether minor or major. Paul reminds us in Philippians that he had learned to be content in all situations: “I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through him who gives me strength” (Philippians 4:12-13, NIV).

I’m making an effort to notice every instance of God’s abundance every day, noting them in my journal and expressing my gratitude to our God of lavish generosity.